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About PHCS

Educate. Equip. Empower.


Meet Lisa

Lisa Dettinger started PowerHouse Christian school in the fall of 2020 after hearing the laments of parents and students about the educational challenges brought about by the COVID pandemic. With her K-12 education degree, 25 years of professional teaching experience, three homeschool graduates, an educational resources business, the curriculum and e-courses she created, and helping to start a private Christian school in Ghana, Africa the summer before, she figured, "I can school some kids for a year." After praying about it, she realized that this was exactly what God had in mind for her and for the kids He brought to the school.

Something beautiful happened that year. One year turned into two, two years turned into three, and PowerHouse Christian School ("God's Power in Our Home") has become a passion; an opportunity to continually partner with the Lord to educate, equip, and empower His kids in this volatile world.

Lisa is also a certified Christian Life Coach. Her tools and training in that area are foundational in day-to-day school life. At PHCS, students get to practice living out mindsets like, "The way you do anything is the way you do everything," "Every moment is a choice, and every choice has costs and benefits," "Are you a thermostat or a thermometer?" and "Choose your experience."  Equipping students with relational skills, coping skills, and a healthy mindest is integral to PHCS's mission. 


Empowering students to become all God has for them is also a core component of PHCS. In fact, Lisa's life coaching niche is "spiritual formation." In a small group setting, students study the Bible, pray for each other, hear personal testimonies from guest speakers and on video, study apologetics, read Christian literature together, have opportunites to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior, and continue to grow in their identity - an identity that's based not on what the world tries to sell them, but rather on God's love for them personally.  Lisa is beyond blessed to be part of this each day.

chalk art from student

A parking lot message from one of our students

church where school meets

A sunrise view of the church where the school meets 

Meet the '24-'25 Staff


Cherie Schmidt



Terry Sopotnick

Music Teacher

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Becky Caron

Assistant Teacher


Jenna Snider

PE Teacher

Photo coming soon!

Sheree Godwin

Administrative Assistant


Katy Lerch

ASL Teacher

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